Monthly Archive: August 2015

  1. 1. What is O?

    Watch the film on YouTube: O – The O Antiphons – the story of setting O to music and dance

  2. 2. What are the O Antiphons?

    Watch the film on YouTube: O – The O Antiphons – What Are The Antiphons? We began with a seminar, led by the Ven Nick Mercer, who explained what the O Antiphons are. The Ven Nick prepared a paper, which is referred to in the film and which you may like to print off to […]

  3. 3. A word about Antiphons

    Watch the film on YouTube: O – The O Antiphons – A word about antiphons Continuing the seminar about The O Antiphons, the Ven Nick talks about antiphons in general.

  4. No. 6 – Head or Heart

    If you had just one question to ask someone in order to try to find out about them, what would it be? “Introvert or extrovert?” “Morning person or night person?” “Liberal or Conservative?” Take a moment to think. You may or may not be onto something – and whatever question you choose says a lot […]

  5. No. 8 – Resolution & Re-entry

    The long-awaited summer break is almost at its end. In a few short days it will be time to gather belongings, to re-pack cases and to return to the daily round of life in London. Perhaps you’ve taken up the invitation to reflect week by week. If not, you can still do so, online at […]

  6. No. 7 – Buttoned Up

    A priest from the diocese came to talk about her work the other day.  She works in a team with other clergy and with lay people too, in a context rather different from the average parish and in the midst of a time of change. She was caught up in some rather complex dynamics – […]