“Take, eat, this is my body…”
On the night before his death, Jesus Christ ate a meal with his disciples. The pattern of this meal has become both a memorial of that event 2000 years ago and a present encounter with his risen presence. Whatever you choose to call it, The Eucharist or The Mass or The Holy Communion is the central act of the Church’s life together. It links our lives with the person of Jesus Christ as, with Christians of all traditions, in all places and inevery age, we give thanks to God the Father through him. That is what ‘Eucharist’ means: thanksgiving.
At St Paul’s Knightsbridge there is a mass every day of the week, every day of the year.
Mass times this week are published on the front page of our website and in the Weekly Sheet. Regular times are:
Sundays: 09:00 Family Mass with hymns and 11:00 Solemn High Mass with Sermon
Monday: 6pm
Tuesday: 6pm
Wednesday: 7pm
Thursday: 6pm
Saturday: Noon
Gathered as his people, we hear God’s word proclaimed in Scripture. In bread broken and wine shared, we recall the simple act of Jesus in the Upper Room as he took, blessed, broke bread and gave the bread and wine which were, he said, his body and blood. And, in the great Eucharistic prayer said by the priest at the heart of this service, we enter into that great mystery of God’s love revealed in the passion, death and resurrection of Christ by which our lives are caught up in the life of heaven. Here, in bread and wine, Christ meets us in his sacramental presence and here we are given strength for our journey as his disciples and a foretaste of the heavenly banquet in which we will, through God’s mercy, share for all eternity.